ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) : Development System

A Guaranteed quality
In order to provide ITS Solutions that achieve convenient, comfortable and safe transportation, we established our own ITS test course in Futami Plant in 1997. Our ITS test course is the only test course in Japan exclusive for ITS Research & Development and Testing. A consistent product development, testing, and final inspection is conducted to guarantee the quality prior to the delivery to the customers.

Dedicated ITS Test Course

ITS Test Course Features

  1. A 400-meter track capable of testing both single lane and multilane tolling system.
  2. Compatible with both open and closed tolling systems.

Our ITS test course is 400 meters long and 50 meters wide. The three lanes 400m straight track is equipped with gantries for Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) System in Singapore and other Multi-Lane Free Flow (MLFF) tolling. A Proof-of-Concept (POC) for each system including high speed running test is available.
Beside the gantries, we have total 12 lanes that are equipped with tollbooth and equipment to reproduce the same environment with actual toll plazas in Japan. In order to support the nationwide tolling operation in Japan among diverse toll operators, the facility covers Manual Toll Collection system and Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system, for both open and closed systems.
The Test course has office building equipped with backend systems for ERP and ETC system such as outstations, lane servers, and toll plaza servers to develop and debug software. It is also utilized for testing of On-board Unit (OBU) and training room of equipment installation.

Stories of MHI Group Expertise