Financial Results

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    Tokyo, May 8, 2024 -- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) today announced its consolidated financial results for FY2023 ended March 31, 2024.

    FY2023 Financial Results

    Order Intake 6,684.0 billion yen (+2,182.7 billion yen year-on-year)
    Revenue 4,657.1 billion yen (+454.3 billion yen year-on-year)
    Profit from business activities 282.5 billion yen (+89.2 billion yen year-on-year)
    Profit attributable to owners of parent 222.0 billion yen (+91.5 billion yen year-on-year)

    FY2024 Forecast

    Order Intake 5,800.0 billion yen
    Revenue 4,900.0 billion yen
    Profit from business activities 350.0 billion yen
    Profit attributable to owners of parent 230.0 billion yen
    The forecast is based on the assumption of currency exchange rate of US$ 1.00 =145 yen and Euro 1.00 = 155 yen for the portion yet to be fixed.

    FY2023 Financial Results

    Q3 FY2023 Financial Results

    1H FY2023 Financial Results

    Q1 FY2023 Financial Results


    FY2022 Financial Results

    Q3 FY2022 Financial Results

    1H FY2022 Financial Results

    Q1 FY2022 Financial Results


    FY2021 Financial Results

    Q3 FY2021 Financial Results

    1H FY2021 Financial Results

    Q1 FY2021 Financial Results