Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

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    Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (47 KB)


    (Unit: million yen)

    FY2018 (IFRS) FY2019 (IFRS) FY2020 (IFRS) FY2021 (IFRS) FY2022 (IFRS)
    Current assets
    Cash and cash equivalents 283,235 281,626 245,421 314,257 347,663
    Trade and other receivables 717,414 611,976 655,181 744,466 804,613
    Other financial assets 25,180 28,539 30,677 70,952 35,382
    Contract assets 625,749 576,061 578,936 654,972 731,820
    Inventories 739,820 726,228 713,498 798,601 876,878
    Indemnification assets for South African projects 546,098 407,800 - - -
    Other current assets 222,390 206,261 230,955 219,875 245,943
    Total current assets 3,159,890 2,838,493 2,454,670 2,803,126 3,042,302
    Non-current assets
    Property, plant and equipment 777,228 792,920 779,696 790,204 839,813
    Goodwill 121,117 124,500 124,500 128,690 131,181
    Intangible assets 113,131 78,908 74,722 70,400 70,161
    Right-of-use assets 90,335 96,201 93,321 98,255 86,295
    Investments accounted for using the equity method 209,929 177,569 182,897 212,828 227,045
    Investments in securities and other financial assets 447,888 391,538 560,213 487,430 521,135
    Deferred tax assets 133,511 382,729 378,338 352,261 358,758
    Other non-current assets 187,320 102,827 162,365 173,144 198,117
    Total Non-current assets 2,080,463 2,147,196 2,356,056 2,313,214 2,432,509
    Total assets 5,240,353 4,985,690 4,810,727 5,116,340 5,474,812

    Liabilities and Equity

    (Unit: million yen)

    FY2018 (IFRS) FY2019 (IFRS) FY2020 (IFRS) FY2021 (IFRS) FY2022 (IFRS)
    Current liabilities
    Bonds, borrowings and other financial liabilities 459,548 769,099 445,147 304,651 349,075
    Trade and other payables 862,174 824,030 763,731 863,281 895,286
    Income taxes payable 27,024 28,994 12,237 28,784 19,661
    Contract liabilities 875,294 835,465 731,814 886,551 936,765
    Provisions 215,475 199,496 207,876 203,585 229,582
    Other current liabilities 157,273 151,657 184,453 193,865 193,791
    Total Current liabilities 2,596,790 2,808,742 2,345,260 2,480,720 2,624,163
    Non-current liabilities
    Bonds, borrowings and other financial liabilities 637,204 601,770 790,862 773,622 843,359
    Deferred tax liabilities 4,012 7,318 6,597 6,217 10,465
    Retirement benefit liability 154,105 145,890 124,432 76,824 76,146
    Provisions 47,583 58,173 50,485 62,218 60,817
    Other non-current liabilities 71,964 73,718 53,699 54,207 25,874
    Total non-current liabilities 914,870 886,871 1,026,076 973,090 1,016,663
    Total liabilities 3,511,660 3,695,614 3,371,337 3,453,810 3,640,827
    Share capital 265,608 265,608 265,608 265,608 265,608
    Capital surplus 185,302 49,667 47,265 45,061 41,256
    Treasury shares -5,572 -5,374 -4,452 -5,946 -5,385
    Retained earnings 869,238 886,307 952,528 1,099,158 1,218,180
    Other components of equity 96,987 22,133 105,393 172,728 221,314
    Equity attributable to owners of parent 1,411,564 1,218,343 1,366,342 1,576,611 1,740,974
    Non-controlling interests 317,128 71,732 73,047 85,918 93,010
    Total Equity 1,728,693 1,290,076 1,439,390 1,662,529 1,833,984
    Total Liabilities and Equity 5,240,353 4,985,690 4,810,727 5,116,340 5,474,812

    Consolidated Balance Sheets (JGAAP) for FY 2013-2017

    Consolidated Balance Sheets


    (Unit: million yen)

    FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
    Current assets
    Cash and deposits 381,056 367,415 310,523 248,040 313,458
    Trade receivables 1,188,928 1,291,278 1,200,852 1,180,143 1,232,742
    Securities 29 ? ? ? ?
    Merchandise and finished products 161,401 182,281 187,330 178,884 173,152
    Work in process 846,201 985,570 992,160 989,336 899,839
    Raw materials and supplies 143,298 157,010 156,507 157,330 139,822
    Deferred income taxes 177,253 150,939 137,428 114,274 108,954
    Indemnification asset for South
    African project
    ? ? 185,308 294,955 400,903
    Others 290,707 429,027 367,376 368,088 319,337
    Allowance for doubtful accounts -8,015 -11,519 -7,694 -8,959 -8,998
    Total current assets 3,180,861 3,552,002 3,529,792 3,522,095 3,579,212
    Fixed assets
    Property, plant and equipment
    Buildings and structures 373,000 377,804 397,292 361,310 340,447
    Machinery and transportation equipment 262,123 259,358 257,306 262,129 234,690
    Tools, equipment and furniture 43,502 49,451 56,570 64,511 47,758
    Land 176,418 184,691 197,898 179,674 179,936
    Leased assets 4,843 4,856 2,873 5,004 5,224
    Construction in progress 70,609 78,635 75,497 62,448 59,828
    Subtotal 930,498 954,797 987,440 935,078 867,884
    Intangible assets
    Goodwill 116,175 95,588 138,913 120,552 105,125
    Others 54,925 145,925 144,631 128,896 107,655
    Subtotal 171,100 241,513 283,545 249,448 212,781
    Investments and advances
    Investment securities 402,827 583,496 534,570 578,758 605,434
    Long-term loans and advances 3,212 19,422 4,946 17,778 18,623
    Asset for retirement benefit 80,468 67,377 27,459 60,556 73,426
    Deferred income taxes 41,091 15,495 15,808 13,060 27,350
    Others 85,056 97,808 125,601 113,407 109,548
    Allowance for doubtful accounts -9,081 -11,558 -8,452 -8,204 -6,608
    Subtotal 603,575 772,043 699,934 775,356 827,774
    Total fixed assets 1,705,174 1,968,354 1,970,920 1,959,883 1,908,440
    Total assets 4,886,035 5,520,357 5,500,712 5,481,978 5,487,652


    (Unit: million yen)

    FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
    Current liabilities
    Trade payables 760,444 794,780 763,761 736,502 771,324
    Electronically recorded obligations 41,000 74,430 96,888 99,560 106,968
    Short-term borrowings 166,296 177,780 293,131 205,679 229,584
    Current portion of long-term borrowings 186,245 54,985 61,715 97,729 68,956
    Commercial papers ? 95,000 45,000 ? ?
    Current portion of bonds 70,000 ? 20,000 60,000 30,000
    Income taxes payable 64,487 30,113 18,091 31,233 27,251
    Reserve for product warranties 18,314 15,796 15,128 14,899 13,936
    Reserve for loss on construction contracts 62,523 59,529 56,866 49,853 64,896
    Reserve for loss on passenger vessel construction business 64,126 105,280 72,842 18,463 ?
    Provision for business structure improvement ? ? ? 6,585 6,739
    Reserve for stock benefits ? ? 98 366 781
    Advance payments received on contracts 567,470 663,176 749,747 777,654 899,642
    Others 284,368 358,359 407,108 428,734 318,138
    Total current liabilities 2,285,278 2,429,232 2,600,378 2,527,262 2,538,219
    Long-term liabilities
    Bonds 175,000 245,000 245,000 215,000 205,000
    Long-term borrowings 359,946 402,822 387,302 347,157 279,630
    Deferred income taxes 25,377 105,536 68,711 85,689 77,590
    Reserve for stock benefits ? ? 966 1,247 1,148
    Reserve for treatment of PCB waste 10,459 9,845 7,258 6,485 6,911
    Liability for retirement benefit 189,937 129,008 124,890 123,160 137,893
    Others 65,812 78,896 66,467 71,858 76,789
    Total long-term liabilities 826,533 971,109 900,596 850,598 784,963
    Total liabilities 3,111,812 3,400,342 3,500,975 3,377,860 3,323,183

    Net assets

    (Unit: million yen)

    FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
    Stockholders' equity
    Common stock 265,608 265,608 265,608 265,608 265,608
    Capital surplus 203,978 204,039 203,951 203,658 213,898
    Retained earnings 1,031,371 1,148,268 1,173,053 1,214,749 1,244,492
    Treasury stock -5,385 -5,249 -4,771 -4,609 -4,081
    Total stockholders' equity 1,495,573 1,612,668 1,637,842 1,679,407 1,719,918
    Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
    Net unrealized gain (loss) on investment securities 43,188 81,499 40,108 100,600 100,021
    Deferred gain (loss) on hedges -1,001 802 3,044 -1,882 -880
    Foreign currency translation adjustments 34,658 68,413 17,762 -2,287 -6,999
    Remeasurements of defined benefit plans -29,019 17,383 -18,998 3,683 12,732
    Total accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) 47,825 168,100 41,917 100,113 104,874
    Share subscription rights 2,635 3,129 2,616 2,536 2,129
    Non-controlling interests 228,188 336,117 317,360 322,059 337,547
    Total net assets 1,774,223 2,120,014 1,999,737 2,104,118 2,164,469
    Total liabilities and net assets 4,886,035 5,520,357 5,500,712 5,481,978 5,487,652