- ENERGYEnergy-related products, such as natural energy, thermal power, and nuclear energy.
- AVIATIONAircraft products, such as commercial aircraft and aero engines.
- SPACESpace systems, such as the H-IIA rocket and products related to the International Space Station program.
- SHIP & OCEANProducts related to shipbuilding and ocean development, such as tankers, cargo ships, passenger ships, and marine engines.
- TRANSPORTATIONVarious systems for transportation, such as AGT (Automated Guideway Transit) and ETC (Electric Toll Collection) system.
- LOGISTICS & MATERIAL HANDLINGMaterial handling systems, such as forklift trucks and logistics systems.
- ENVIRONMENTRange of products related to environmental plants and equipment to prevent global warming and pollution.
- AUTOMOTIVEVehicle-related products, such as turbochargers and machinery for the motor vehicle industry.
- INDUSTRIAL MACHINERYProducts used in various industries, such as chemical plants, and air-conditioning & refrigeration systems.
- INFRASTRUCTUREMachinery and equipment for infrastructure building.
- LIVING & LEISUREProducts related to our living and leisure, such as air-conditioners and passenger ships.
- DEFENSEProducts for national defense.
- ENGINEERINGLeverage engineering expertise to solve challenges related to chemical plants, transportation systems, environmental facilities and more.