Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thailand Ltd.
Management Philosophy and Vision
Our Principles
- We deliver reliable and innovative solutions that make a lasting difference to customers and communities worldwide.
- We act with integrity and fairness, always respecting others.
- We constantly strive for excellence in our operations and technology, building on a wide global outlook and deep local insights.
Messages of MHI Group's CEO
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group has developed and implemented various reforms over the past decade. We have overhauled our management structure, transitioned to a domain-based system, and executed numerous mergers and acquisitions to further bolster our financial position and strengthen our business foundation.
On this newly-fortified foundation, we have been able to quickly and effectively resolve outstanding issues and realign our strategic positioning. Moving forward, we plan to further develop our global group management, formulate optimal growth strategies, and take the necessary steps to achieve a balanced corporate structure with a 1:1:1 ratio of business size, assets, and market capitalization. In other words, we will strive to achieve a triple - one proportion (TOP), and in the process, become a sustainable, highly profitable company.
We will do our utmost to firmly establish these reforms and to meet the expectations of all stakeholders concerned.
In addition, we will implement initiatives that are not tied to the traditional MHI Group framework, by assembling global group management that suits the characteristics of our Group's businesses, creating a vision for the future, and moving forward with the realization of that vision, while developing and utilizing a diverse range of human resources.
Our Group's mission is to contribute to the advancement of society. To this end, we will continue to be a corporate group capable of accurately identifying customer and market needs and providing world-class, forward-looking solutions.
Seiji Izumisawa
President and CEO
Compliance Message from the President & Managing Director of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Thailand) Ltd.
The MHI Group as well as Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Thailand) Ltd. complies with not only laws and regulations but also social norms, and promotes fair and honest business activities.
As a global company made up of people with diverse backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures; diversity is an important asset, and it is necessary for each and every employee with diverse backgrounds to promote business under a common corporate culture.
For this reason, we have strictly followed the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group Global Code of Conduct as a common code of conduct for the MHI Group. Also, we are working to disseminate it to all employee in this company through e-learning and distribution of booklets.
Amid the need for thorough compliance in overseas regions more than ever, we are working together with the Asia-Pacific region compliance promoters to strengthen the compliance with oversea Group companies through the compliance liaison meetings.
Ryousuke Kai
President & Managing Director of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Thailand) Ltd.
Environmental Management
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd
Basic Policy on Environmental Matters and Action Guidelines
With environmental problems gaining recognition on a global scale, MHI Group established the Environment Committee in 1996 in order to clarify its attitude toward the environment, to express its stance to people both inside and outside the Company, and to direct and promote its environmental activities. At its first meeting, the Environment Committee formulated the Basic Policy on Environmental Matters and Action Guidelines (refer below), in line with the MHI Group's Principles: "We deliver reliable and innovative solutions that make a lasting difference to customers and communities worldwide." Since that time, the entire Group has worked to promote environmental initiatives through maintaining a dialogue with suppliers and other stakeholders in accordance with this Basic Policy and these guidelines. MHI Group made partial revisions to its Basic Policy on Environmental Matters and Action Guidelines in January 2018 with the approval of the Executive Committee, chaired by the President and CEO.
Basic Policy on Environmental Matters
Provision 1 of MHI Group's principles reads: "We deliver reliable and innovative solutions that make a lasting difference to customers and communities worldwide." This means that our primary purpose is to contribute to society through R&D, manufacturing and other business activities. The company shall undertake all aspects of its business activities with the understanding that it is an integral member of society and will strive to reduce its burden on the environment, contributing to the development of a sustainable society.
Action Guidelines
- Prioritize environmental protection within company operations, and take steps across the entire MHI Group to protect and enhance the environment.
- Clarify roles and responsibilities regarding environmental protection by developing an organizational structure to deal with matters related to environmental protection, and to define environment-related procedures, etc.
- Strive continuously to improve and enhance environmental protection activities not only by fully complying with environmental laws and regulations but also, when necessary, by establishing, implementing and evaluating independent standards and setting environmental goals and targets.
- Strive to alleviate burden on the environment in all aspects of company business activities, from product R&D and design to procurement of raw materials, manufacture, transport, usage, servicing and disposal, through pollution prevention, conservation of resources, energy saving, and waste reduction.
- Strive to develop and market advanced and highly reliable technology and products that contribute to solving environmental and energy challenges.
- Strive to preserve the environment in partnership with our stakeholders and gain their understanding of this policy.
- Take steps to raise environmental awareness among all group employees through environmental education, etc., while delivering environment-related information to the public and taking part in CSR activities.
Formulated in 1996 (Revised in January 2018)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Thailand), Ltd., we are committed to:
- Recognize that environmental protection is a matter of first priority in the Company's operations, and to encourage the entire Company in its endeavors to protect and promote the environment.
- Define roles and responsibilities regarding environmental protection by developing and maintaining an organization suitable for environmental protection, and creating and implementing these environment policies and procedures on environmental matters.
- Endeavor to reduce the burden on the environment by preventing pollution, saving resources, saving electrical energy, and reducing waste, in all aspects of the Company's business activities not only at the Company locations, but also the customer sites.
- Endeavor to provide advanced, highly reliable and unique technologies and products that contribute to the solution of environmental and energy problem.
- Comply with national and local environmental laws and regulations including customer's requirements and endeavor to improve and promote, on a continuing basis, environmental protection activities by establishing environmental objectives and targets.
- Provide environmental training and other programs to enhance environmental awareness of all employees of the Company.
Mr.Ryousuke Kai
President & Managing Director

Safety First
MHIT and Safely First Campaign Activity
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Thailand) Ltd. realizes how important the safety first campaign is, particularly for those who work at the factory. Thus, we provided a guide line of " 10 Safety Principles " in the form of compact card which can be kept with oneself all the time for reminding of Safety First.
10 Safety Principles
- Greeting each other in cheerful manner.
- Dress neatly and wear proper protective gears.
- Predict the hazards before beginning the work.
- Inspect your equipment and follow the work procedures.
- Follow the rules and prevent accident before it occurs.
- Confirm all important points with Finger Pointing and Calling
- Do the " BIG FOUR " , Sort-Arrange-Cleaning-Cleansing.
- When working with other persons, coordinate your actions by exchanging signals.
- Report all Scares and Frights.
- Strive ZERO ACCIDENT around the clock.