Press Information

MHI to Market "SEA1600" Large-size Gear Shaping Machines
Capable of Machining Up to 1,600mm Diameter Workpieces
-- Cycle-time Shortened with New Main Spindle Rapid Return System --


Tokyo, June 13, 2011 - On June 20 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) will begin full-scale marketing of the "SEA1600," a large-size gear shaping machine that enables machining of workpieces of up to 1,600 millimeters (mm). The SEA1600 is the newest model in the company's SEA series, a lineup of large-size gear shaping machines. The SEA1600, which adopts a new main spindle rapid return mechanism, has achieved shortening of cycle-time, allowing the cutter to shift faster and reducing time for air-cutting. Going forward, MHI will aggressively explore demand for the new machine, including its use in producing large-size gears for construction machinery and wind turbines.

The SEA1600 is able to machine either external or internal gears of up to 1,600mm in diameter and up to 25 modules*1. The newly developed main spindle rapid return mechanism, which enables high-speed travel of the main spindle, largely contributes to the reduction of cycle-time by shortening the time for the cutter to shift from the point that the cutting stroke is completed to the point that the next stroke begins on a workpiece. The maximum cutting speed and return speed are 40 meters (m) per minute and 70m per minute, respectively.

With the SEA1600, use of common parts and components across the machine is fully implemented based on a modular design concept, which enables the machine to flexibly accommodate smaller worktables suited for machining of workpieces less than 1,600mm. In addition, when used with a built-in base tangent length*2 measurement system and automatic tool changer (ATC), available as optional devices, the SEA1600 enables gear shaping process without setup changes by operators, which as a result helps prevent faulty machining on workpieces.

Since developing the world's first dry-cutting gear production system using no cutting fluid in 1997, MHI has expanded its dry-cut product offerings, including machine tools such as gear hobbing and gear shaping machines as well as cutting tools such as super dry hobs and super dry gear shaper cutters. The company's dry-cut gear production systems have not only won high acclaim from gear producers for their high-speed processing capability, outstanding performance, low operational costs, and contribution to improving work environments at gear production sites, they also address environmental needs through their elimination of cutting fluid. The company is ranked among the world's top suppliers in the delivery of machinery in that category to the automobile industry

Recently, demand for large-size gears has been increasing for applications involving gear reducers and traversing gears used in construction machinery and deck cranes, step-up gears and swivel parts in wind turbines, as well as gears used in servo presses, marine machinery and in the iron and steel manufacturing machinery. As a result, demand for high-efficiency and high-precision machines for large-diameter gear machining has been increasing globally.

Responding to these trends, MHI has developed and introduced machines to handle large-size gears, including a gear grinding machine and a gear hobbing machine capable of machining up to 2 meter diameter workpieces. The introduction of the SEA1600 is based on that initiative and completes the lineup for large-size gear machining. Going forward, MHI will establish a new business model encompassing after-sale service, maintenance and tool supply, primarily for large-size gear machines and continue development to further complement its product lineup.

1.A module is a unit used to indicate gear size. Module = pitch circle diameter divided by number of teeth.
2.Base tangent length is the distance across several teeth.

Main Specifications of SEA1600 Gear Shaping Machine

Maximum workpiece diameter (millimeters: mm)

External gear


Internal gear


Maximum module


Maximum workpiece width (mm)


Maximum stroke width (mm)


Spindle stroke speed (stokes/minute)

12 - 90

Radial travel (mm)

0 - 1,300

Radial rapid traverse (mm/minute)


Table diameter (mm)


Maximum table weight capacity (kg)

20,000 (excluding table weight)

Axial stroke (mm)


Main motor output (kW)

52 (rated, continuous)

Total power consumption (kVA)


Installation space (mm): width x depth x height

6,700×6,650 ×5,450

Machine weight (kg)

50,000 (standard model)

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