Health, Safety, Security and the Environment (HSSE)

MCO will conduct business activities under the basic policies on health, safety, security, and environment (HSSE) which were established with the understanding that we have a social responsibility to avoid accidents from any business activities and to preserve the environment by ensuring the protection of health and safety and the implementation of a crisis management plan in the course of conducting business activities under the Corporate Principles and the HSSE Principles.

HSSE Definitions

HSSE abbreviation stands for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment.

Health Provide a working environment that is safe, healthy, and comfortable for employees at work.
Safety Ensure personal and physical workplace safety and maintain product quality.
Security Prevent threats posed by crimes, disaster, and other emergencies and respond appropriately to emergency situations.
Environment Preserve regional and global environments.

HSSE Principles

  • It is our social responsibility to protect health, safety, and the environment and to ensure security.
  • We will take responsible action to create an injury- and illness-free workplace.
  • We will push forward effective HSSE measures voluntarily.

Health and Safety Management Policy

MCO places health and safety efforts as one of the key initiatives in business operation. Every employee of MCO and supporting companies will proactively participate in health and safety activities to maintain and improve a safe, healthy, and comfortable work environment that ensures employees work cheerfully and vigorously in every aspect of business activities.

Security (Crisis Management) Policy

MCO will develop systems to promptly provide the top management with accurate information on risks which can potentially threaten the company’s existence when those risks are present or foreseeable. In the event of disaster, we will resume business operations in a shortest period based on BCP while giving top priority to saving lives.

Environmental Policy

MCO is aware that businesses are members of society. We will contribute to the development of a sustainable society by striving for reducing burden on the environment in all aspects of our business activities and devoting our comprehensive technological capabilities to the development of technologies and products that will protect the environment.