
Compressor Remote Monitoring Service Starts Operation in Maruzen Petrochemical’s Domestic Ethylene Plant


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Compressor Corporation (“MCO”) is pleased to announce that it has successfully developed a “Remote Monitoring System” which serves to contribute to the optimization and improved operational efficiency of the customers’ plants. The system, which was developed in partnership with Toyo Engineering Corporation (“TOYO”) by incorporating our application into DX-PLANT®, a DX service platform owned by TOYO, has commenced operation in an ethylene plant operated by Maruzen Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

Quick response to compressor failure had long been a challenge for us since it required compressor operating data output from the customer’s control and monitoring system before we could discuss possible solutions.

The newly developed system allows the customer to share compressor operating data with MCO which enables us to detect unusual behavior of the compressor (minor signs) before an alarm or trip is activated, make professional judgement and conduct root cause analysis that are backed by years of experience as a compressor specialty company, thereby contributing to the optimization and improved operational efficiency of the customer’s plant.

MCO will take your compressor’s operating ratio to the next level with our expertise as a manufacturer specialized in compressor.

Concepts of the Remote Monitoring Service and Predictive Maintenance

  • Prevent unplanned shutdown and emergency shutdown
    We examine precautionary measures and propose initial response.
  • Minimal downtime
    We prearrange spare parts and technical instructors.
  • Optimized turnaround
    We propose turnaround menu that the customers truly need.

Main Features of the Remote Monitoring Service

  • Application to realize advanced compressor performance monitoring, anomaly sign detection and root cause analysis.
  • Detects signs of anomaly in real time based on compressor operating data, conducts root cause analysis, and proposes solutions suggested by the compressor vendor.
  • Detects signs of anomaly not only of compressors but also of drives and develops them into root cause analysis.
  • The cloud-based system makes it easy to connect with other platforms.