Environmental Management
Environmental Policy
Basic Philosophy
In accordance with the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group Basic Environmental Policy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Systems, Ltd. recognizes that the preservation of the irreplaceable global environment is an important issue common to all humanity. In an effort towards achieving a sustainable society, each and every employee, as a member of society, strives to preserve the environment and reduce the environmental burden through our business activities.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Systems, Ltd. will promote environmental management activities in accordance with the following policies in order to contribute to environmental conservation and reduce environmental impacts through our business activities.
- Recognizing the environmental impact of all our activities, products, and services, we promote continuous environmental management activities in addition to the prevention of environmental pollution and making efforts in environmental conservation.
Our contribution to the protection of the environment includes the use of sustainable resources based on the SDGs, climate change mitigation, and adaptation to climate change. - We will comply with all environmental requirements, legal and otherwise, with regards to all of our activities, products, and services.
- Among the environmental impacts of all our activities, products, and services, we promote the following targets for environmental management that we must meet.
- ( 1 ) Promotion of the reduction of the environmental impact of our products
- ( 2 ) Environmental conservation and improvement activities for on-site construction
- ( 3 ) Environmental conservation activities for all workplaces including education and workplace cleanup
- ( 4 ) Promotion of the conservation of energy ((Note)Reduction in CO2 emissions)
- ( 5 ) Promotion of resource conservation
- ( 6 ) Control of the production of waste products
- We will ensure that our employees are aware of our environmental policies and make them public so that each and every one of us can improve our environmental awareness and actively implement efforts to reduce our environmental impact.
In order to abide by the above policies, we will set targets, review them periodically, and promote environmental management efforts.
April 1, 2024
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Systems, Ltd.
Satoshi Kojima
President and CEO
Environmental Management System
The MHI Group Environment Committee, chaired by the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), who is in charge of environmental management, promotes policies and initiatives shared throughout the MHI Group. The Committee, whose members are selected from the domains, segments, and corporate units, drafts plans for deployment across all Group companies via the domains, segments, and corporate units of each business. The MHI Group's organization chart for environmental management is shown below.
MHI Group Environmental Management Organization

Environmental Targets
The MHI Group Long-Term Environmental Target and the Fifth MHI Group Environmental Targets, which represent the Group's medium-term goals, were established at a meeting of the Environment Committee held in March 2021. The Long-Term Environmental Target has been set as decarbonizing the business activities of the MHI Group by 2040. The Fifth MHI Group Environmental Targets aim for reductions in CO2 emissions, reductions in water usage, and reductions in waste generation by fiscal 2023. The MHI Group will continue to contribute to the global warming problem and work as one to achieve these goals.
Long-Term Environmental Target (FY2040)
Decarbonize the Group's business activities
The Fifth MHI Group Environmental Targets (FY2023)
- [Unit CO2 emissions]
- -9% (compared to FY2014)
- [Unit water consumption]
- -7% (compared to FY2014)
- [Unit waste generation]
- -7(compared to FY2014)
- Domestic and Overseas Consolidated Group Companies
Learn more about the MHI Group's sustainability initiatives.
We are also doing our part as a member of the MHI Group.
Certification: ISO14001
We have obtained ISO 14001, the international standard for environmental management systems.
Name of Organization Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Machinery Systems, Ltd. Name of Certifying Authority, Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Technology Laboratories (JET) Certification No. E20-683 Initial Certification Date December 4, 2017 Expiration Date December 3, 2026 Applicable Standards JIS Q 14001:2015 (ISO14001:2015) Activities Sales, design & development, procurement, manufacture, management of manufacture, installation, construction, commissioning, and service for machinery & hydraulic systems, steel structures plant, parking systems, ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), food & packaging machinery, rubber & tire machinery and printing press & paper converting machinery Address 1-1, Wadasaki-cho 1-chome, Hyogo-ku, Kobe -