Cultivated over the 130-year history of MHI
MHI has cultivated the spirit of taking on the challenges of cutting-edge technologies
at all times to acquire a variety of outstanding and advanced technologies as a manufacturer.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems has inherited this DNA and brought together cutting-edge
and next-generation design technologies from extensive fields in designing every product.
Offering comfort around the world through thermal solutions.
Our wish to "contribute to the offering of comfortable environments around the world through air-conditioning and refrigeration products" has been embodied in our tagline, "Offering comfort around the world through thermal solutions." Based on this, we strive to hone our developmental skills in order to provide better products and timely solutions to our customers.

Environmentally friendly heat pump technologies
Earth, nature and heat pumps. Transferring heat from air to water.
MHI's environmentally friendly heat pump technologies. We provide products to meet the needs of facilities
based on two efficient technologies for converting natural heat and heat in the air to offer large-capacity
hot water supplies, large-scale humidification and heating, etc.

Development of low-GWP refrigerants
There has been a global trend toward stricter controls on the use of fluorocarbons given the increase in
greenhouse gases causing global warming, leading to the development of products using lower GWP
To meet this need, we have been striving to develop the next generation of environmentally friendly
centrifugal chillers that are both high-performance and mitigate the environmental burden.

Offering security and prosperity in everyday life
We are striving to realize comfort in people's daily lives through our advanced air-conditioning and
refrigeration technologies.
We support the prosperity of people's lives by making full use of our extensive knowledge as experts in
energy-efficient and carefree air-conditioners, freezers for trucks that transport fresh foods all over the
world, centrifugal chillers and power generating systems that ensure the comfort of buildings, hospitals,
event halls, and other large spaces through air-conditioners and energy.
Check out articles on interviews of on-site developers.
Our advanced technologies are propped up by the convictions and passion of staff.
Introduction to the developmental process and system needed to realize cutting-edge thermal solutions.