MHI-MME Confirmed the Completion of Shop Trial of a Main Engine Equipped with the World’s Largest Turbocharger (MET90MB)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Marine Machinery & Equipment Co., Ltd. confirmed, in July this year, the completion of shop trial of a main engine equipped with its MET90MB Turbocharger (“MET90MB”), the world’s largest turbocharger is achieving its assumed performance.
The MET90MB that underwent the shop trial was the first unit, which was delivered from our plant in January this year. Twenty-two MET90MB have been ordered for installation on the main engines of twenty-two 15,000TEU container ships, including 10 containerships of the same series. Sequential turbocharging1, which combines the use of two installed turbochargers (one MET90MB unit and one MET60MB unit in this case), was adopted for the main engine (MAN ES/8G95ME C10.5 EGRBP) used in this shop trial.
Adopting use of the MET90MB, a large turbocharger, makes it possible to reduce the number of turbochargers needed, from three units in the past to two units, enabling both a high degree of efficiency and lower maintenance costs.
MET turbochargers have already achieved the global top share in terms of the number of turbochargers installed on the main engines of mega containerships (11,000 TEU or greater). To deal with the growth in engine output resulting from the increasing size of containerships, we made the decision to include the MET90MB in its MET-MB series lineup.
As a designer and manufacturer of turbochargers, we will continue engaging in activities to enable customers to select the best option that meets their needs.
*1 Sequential turbocharging:
A set up that enables efficient turbocharging by installing more than one turbocharger on an engine and concentrating the exhaust gas to one of the turbochargers at lower engine speeds to obtain turbocharging when the amount of exhaust gas is small. When there is a large amount of exhaust gas, the gas is directed to either both turbochargers and/or to the larger turbocharger for efficient turbocharging at a broader range of engine speeds.

MET90MB Turbocharger The turbocharger installed on an main engine