Press Information

Students from Nakatsu Minami High School in Oita, Kyushu, Visit the Head Office in Shinagawa


On December 8, three second-year students at Nakatsu Minami High School in Nakatsu City, in Oita Prefecture, visited MHI's Head Office in Shinagawa as part of a career education and training program conducted during their school excursion to Tokyo. All three students are interested in business areas relating to energy, the environment, transportation systems and infrastructure building, and at MHI they learned about the MHI Group's businesses and business philosophy. They hope to apply this experience when deciding on what academic path to follow in the future.

To begin, the students were given an overview of the MHI Group's business operations. The students then posed a number of questions. One wanted to know what fields MHI's engineers involved in energy and environmental products studied as students. Another asked how many development and research departments MHI has, and how many employees work in them.

Next, the students were given an introduction to various MHI Group products and technologies in "M's Square," the second-floor showroom. In the "Hands-on Experience" area, they experienced first-hand what kinds of technologies are used in manufacturing actual products.

The students listened to all the explanations very attentively. At the end of their visit, they were asked to respond to a questionnaire. They expressed very positive impressions of what they had experienced. "I came to realize how indispensable the MHI Group is, manufacturing so many products that support our lives," wrote one. Another commented, "I came away with the impression that MHI is a company that sustains our planet from the very core."

The young visitors from Nakatsu Minami High School all seem to have an idea of what field they want to go into in the future. We hope that our explanations were useful to them in some way.

The MHI Group is committed to inspiring the future under its CSR Action Guidelines. Going forward, it will continue to provide next-generation support activities, such as science classes and internships, for a wide range of age groups, from elementary school children to graduate school students.

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About MHI Group

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world’s leading industrial groups, spanning energy, smart infrastructure, industrial machinery, aerospace and defense. MHI Group combines cutting-edge technology with deep experience to deliver innovative, integrated solutions that help to realize a carbon neutral world, improve the quality of life and ensure a safer world. For more information, please visit or follow our insights and stories on