Press Information

Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum Launches
"Summer Vacation Science Festival for Children"
-- Fun Events Include Collaboration with Yokohama Port Museum --


Tokyo, July 11, 2012 - On July 14 the Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum in Yokohama will launch "Summer Vacation Science Festival for Children." During the festival, to be held through September 2, various events, including a stamp rally and footage showings, will be held. Following up from last year, a special campaign, in collaboration with the Yokohama Port Museum, will take place through August 19 to promote the two museums, located in the same Minatomirai area in Yokohama, which has been realized through cooperation from JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine/Earth Science and Technology). Through collaborated exhibitions, both children and adults can have fun learning about the deep sea and organisms living there.

Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum Launches<br/>"Summer Vacation Science Festival for Children"<br/>-- Fun Events Include Collaboration with Yokohama Port Museum --
In this collaborative campaign, Mitsubishi's museum will exhibit technology of "Shinkai 6500," a manned deep-sea research vessel; "Urashima," an autonomous, deep-sea cruising probe; and "Chikyu," a deep-sea drilling vessel, will be exhibited at the "Minatomirai Oceanographic Research Center" in the Ocean Zone of the museum. The valuable data and specimens collected by these vessels are also introduced.

Scheduled events include "Ocean Class" on Aug. 4, which will see a former pilot of the Shinkai 6500 explain about deep-sea research in comprehensible language and perform experiments with hydraulic pressure. Other special events also include a deep-sea paper craft workshop and stamp rally (for details, please visit the museum website: or mobile site:

The Yokohama Port Museum ( will show footage of the deep sea and introduce deep-sea organisms, in addition to exhibiting sail training ship "Nippon Maru."

The science festival for children at the Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum has been held every summer and aims to provide first-hand experience of the fun and excitement of science and technology as well as "monozukuri." The events during the festival also include the showing of scientific footage and a "walk" with Wakamaru, a communication robot developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and quiz events related to the featured exhibitions of the museum.

The Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum was opened in Yokohama in June 1994 with the aim of promoting exchanges with the local community and raising interest in science and technology. Altogether there are six zones introducing Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' state-of-the-art technologies and products through presentations of actual machines, models, panels, etc. There are six zones for Environment/Energy, Aerospace, Ocean, Transportation, Daily Life Discovery and Technology Quest. Explanation on each exhibition is written in Japanese and in English.

Outline of Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum
Location:                    Mitsubishijuko Yokohama Building, 3-1, Minatomirai 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, 220-8401
Telephone:                 +81-45-200-7351
Fax:                           +81-45-200-9902
Mobile site :      
Access:                      3-minute walk from Minatomirai Station on the Minatomirai Line 8-minute walk from Sakuragicho Station
                                  on the JR Negishi Line or Yokohama Subway Line
Open hours:                From 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (admission until 4:30 p.m.) 
Closed Days:               Every Monday (following day if Monday is a national holiday)
Specially designated closed days (2012): From September 3 through 7
Admission Fee:            300 yen for adults  
                                    200 yen for junior and senior high school students 
                                    100 yen for elementary school students 
                                    100 yen discount per person for groups of 10 or more people 
                                    Admission is free for persons 65 or older, and physically impaired persons and their attendants
                                     (please show your ID or certificate). 
                                    Admission is free for elementary school, junior and senior high school and university field trip visits, 
                                    provided a reservation is made at least a day in advance of the visit.

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